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Have you had the talk with your family?

  This Wednesday, May 10, 2017, retired Director of Chaplaincy at Hunterdon Medical Center, Rev. Jim DeVries, will share his experiences on the best way “adult children” should sensitvely approach mom and dad about long term planning for life in their golden years. Where: Hunterdon Medical Center Auditorium, 2100 Wescott

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The Veteran Next Door

Through case management and outreach, we were able to provide a comfortable home and eventually, a burial with military honors to a local veteran. One of our volunteers became a guardian to a man who had been his neighbor a few years earlier. The man had been caring for his

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Hoarding and the Older Adult – October 2, 2016

For the second time this year, Professor Jim Hart provided an informative and engaging presentation on the prevalence, signs, and treatment options for older adults who exhibit hoarding behavior. One of the highlights of his presentation is the open Q & A forum where participants openly share their experiences with hoarding

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